The meaning of life
Please find below a mixture of my personal resources and those of friends and commercial resources I have access to. They will appear as they come available leading up to this Sunday.
We want to be inclusive, regardless especially, of the ability of an individual to access them. Please feel free to pass these on to a friend you care for as you feel appropriate
Links to Pentecost 16A resources
This page will develop over the week as resources come available
- See stream of a worship service below
- Direct Stream of this Sunday’s Service
- Print Copy of a Liturgy (pdf)
- Bible Study Notes
- Live your Faith (PDF to print out)
- Young people’s resources (PDF to print out)
- Colouring in page (PDF to print out)
- Link to past services
- YouTube service playlist
- Ballarat Regional Healthcare Chaplaincy YouTube Channel
- I am indebted to
- David MacGregor’s Together to Celebrate
- Lumo – The Gospels for the visual Age
- Jeff Shrowder’s The Billabong A worship resource following the Revised Common Lectionary
- Roots on the web
Just a quick note: If you can’t hear the audio in the video hover your mouse over the bottom bar of the video frame and click on the speaker icon. Similarly, there are options there to make the video full screen.
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Thankyou Jim for your church service, may the hardships we face be helped with our Gods care and comfort.
Many blessings to you and Jacci.
Thank you Jim. I pray that all goes well with your surgery.
It has Rob and thanks.
God bless